An introductory course to the Python 3 programming language, with a curriculum aligned to the Certified Associate in Python Programming (PCAP) examination syllabus (PCAP-31-02).
In this module we will formally introduce functions, generator functions and lambda functions in Python, starting with formal definitions before exploring their structures and core components, including:
# A simple example of a user-defined function
def product(number_1, number_2):
return number_1 * number_2
# Call the user-defined function
a = 12
b = 20
c = product(a, b)
# Define a function to test whether a given number is a prime number or not
def is_prime(num):
""" Test whether a given number is a prime number or not.
Tests whether a given number is a prime number or not,
by first testing whether it is 0, 1, negative or not a
whole number. If neither of these conditions are met,
then the function proceeds to test whether the given
number can be divided by the numbers from 2 to the
floor division of the given number by 2 without a
remainder. If not, then the given number is indeed a
prime number.
num (int): The number to test
True if the number is a prime number,
False otherwise.
if num <= 1 or num % 1 > 0:
return False
for i in range(2, num//2):
if num % i == 0:
return False
return True
# Call the is_prime() function on a given integer
a = 8
print(f'Is the number {a} a prime number? {is_prime(a)}')
b = 13
print(f'Is the number {b} a prime number? {is_prime(b)}')
c = 277
print(f'Is the number {c} a prime number? {is_prime(c)}')
d = -23
print(f'Is the number {d} a prime number? {is_prime(d)}')
e = 7.181
print(f'Is the number {e} a prime number? {is_prime(e)}')
f = 0
print(f'Is the number {f} a prime number? {is_prime(f)}')
# Call a function with an incorrect number of positional arguments
# Define a function to expect an arbitrary number of arguments
def product(*nums):
x = 1
for num in nums:
x *= num
return x
# Call this function with a tuple of arguments
print(product(2, 10, 5))
my_numbers = (9, 11, 2)
print(f'\nThe product of the numbers {my_numbers} is {product(*my_numbers)}')
# Define a function expecting separate positional arguments
def findPrimesBetween(start_num, end_num):
return [num for num in range(start_num, end_num) if is_prime(num)]
# Call this function using argument unpacking
args = [1, 100]
# Call a function using keyword arguments
print(findPrimesBetween(start_num = 100, end_num = 200))
# Define a function to expect an arbitrary number of keyword arguments
def concatenate_words(**words):
return ' '.join(words.values())
# Call this function with a dictionary of arguments
print(concatenate_words(word_1="Wonderful", word_2="World", word_3="of", word_4="Python"))
# Define a function with default parameter values
def findPrimesBetween(start_num = 2, end_num = 100):
return [num for num in range(start_num, end_num) if is_prime(num)]
# Call this function without sending selected arguments
print(findPrimesBetween(end_num = 50))
print(findPrimesBetween(start_num = 25))
print(findPrimesBetween(start_num = 1000, end_num = 1250))
print(findPrimesBetween(100, 200))
# Define a function with parameters of mixed types
def calculate_bmi(fname, lname, /, dob, *, weight_kg, height_m):
bmi = round((weight_kg / (height_m * height_m)), 2)
print(f'{fname} {lname} (DOB: {dob}) has a BMI of: {bmi}')
# Call this function with mixed arguments
calculate_bmi("Barack", "Obama", height_m = 1.85, weight_kg = 81.6, dob = '04/08/1961')
# Try to define a function without a body
def my_empty_function():
# Define an empty function using the pass keyword
def my_empty_function():
# Define a function that does not return a value
def my_logging_function(message):
# Call this function and examine the type that it returns
log = my_logging_function("01/09/2020 00:01 - Audit Log 1")
# Calculate the Nth element in Fibonacci sequence using function recursion
def fibonacci_sequence(n):
if n <= 1:
return n
return(fibonacci_sequence(n-1) + fibonacci_sequence(n-2))
# Calculate the Nth element in the Fibonacci sequence
# Print the first N elements in the Fibonacci sequence
for num in range(0, 10):
print(fibonacci_sequence(num), end = ' ')
# Define a function that contains variables with local scope
def calculate_bmi(weight_kg, height_m):
weight_lb = weight_kg * 2.205
height_inches = height_m * 39.37
bmi = round((weight_lb / (height_inches * height_inches)) * 703, 2)
return bmi
# Try to access a variable with local scope
# Define the kg to lb ratio
kg_lb = 2.205
# Define the metres to inches ratio
m_inches = 39.37
# Define a function that uses variables created outside of the function
def calculate_bmi(weight_kg, height_m):
weight_lb = weight_kg * kg_lb
height_inches = height_m * m_inches
bmi = round((weight_lb / (height_inches * height_inches)) * 703, 2)
return bmi
# Call this function
print(calculate_bmi(weight_kg = 81.6, height_m = 1.85))
# Define variables with global scope
x = 1
y = 2
# Define a simple function
def sum():
x = 10
y = 20
return x + y
# Print the value of x
# Define variables with global scope
x = 1
y = 2
# Define a simple function
def sum():
global x
x = 10
y = 20
return x + y
# Print the value of x
# Define a function that creates new variables with global scope
def product():
global alpha, beta
alpha = 1000
beta = 1_000_000
return alpha * beta
# Print the value of alpha and beta
# Define a generator function to generate an infinite sequence
def infinite_sequence_generator():
counter = 0
while True:
yield counter
counter += 1
# Call this generator function and lazily evaluate the next element in the iterable object
infinite_generator = infinite_sequence_generator()
# Define a generator function to lazily return an ordered sequence of letters given a starting letter and an ending letter
def letter_sequence_generator(start, stop, step=1):
for ord_unicode_int in range(ord(start.lower()), ord(stop.lower()), step):
yield chr(ord_unicode_int)
# Call this generator function until there are no further elements in the sequence to be evaluated
alphabet = letter_sequence_generator("a", "e")
# Attempt to call the next() function again on the terminated generator function
# Use a for loop to iterate over the iterable object returned by our letter sequence generator function
alphabet = letter_sequence_generator("a", "z")
for letter in alphabet:
# Use a generator expression to create a lazily evaluated iterable object
first_million_numbers = (num for num in range(1, 1_000_000))
# Create a lazily evaluated generator object
alphabet = letter_sequence_generator("a", "z")
# Convert the generator object into a list
alphabet_list = list(alphabet)
# Create a simple lambda function to square a given number
square = lambda n: n * n
# Call this lambda function
# Create a simple lambda function with three arguments
product = lambda x, y, z: x * y * z
# Call this lambda function
print(product(3, 10, 5))
# Create a list of numbers
my_numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
# Use the imperative paradigm to filter the list of integers, keeping only the even numbers
def filter_evens_imperative(number_list):
even_number_list = []
for number in number_list:
if number % 2 == 0:
return even_number_list
# Filter the list of numbers, keeping only the even numbers
even_numbers = filter_evens_imperative(my_numbers)
# Use a functional approach to filter the same list of integers
even_numbers = list(filter(lambda num: num % 2 == 0, my_numbers))
# Create a Python function containing a lambda anonymous function
def multiply(multiplier):
return lambda x: x * multiplier
# Instantiate a function that always doubles a given number
doubler = multiply(2)
# Call this function with the value 10
# Instantiate a function that always quadruples a given number
quadrupler = multiply(4)
# Call this function with the value 100
# Create a list of numbers
my_numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
# Create a function that will test whether a given number is even or not
def test_even(num):
if num % 2 == 0:
return True
return False
# Apply this function to the list of numbers using the filter() function
my_even_numbers = list(filter(test_even, my_numbers))
# Use a lambda function within filter() to perform the same task
my_even_numbers = list(filter(lambda num: num % 2 == 0, my_numbers))
# Create a function that will square a given number but only if that number is odd
def square_odd_number(num):
if num % 2 == 0:
return num
return num * num
# Apply this function to the list of numbers using the map() function
my_squared_odd_numbers = list(map(square_odd_number, my_numbers))
# Use a lambda function within map() to perform the same task
my_squared_odd_numbers = list(map(lambda num: num if num % 2 == 0 else num * num, my_numbers))
from functools import reduce
# Create a function that will calculate the product of two given numbers
def product(a, b):
return a * b
# Apply this function to the list of numbers using the reduce() function
my_product_of_numbers = reduce(product, my_numbers)
# Apply this function to the list of numbers using the reduce() function and an initializer value of 2
my_product_of_numbers = reduce(product, my_numbers, 2)
# Apply this function to the list of numbers using the reduce() function and an initializer value of 10
my_product_of_numbers = reduce(product, my_numbers, 10)
# Use a lambda function within reduce() to perform the same task
my_product_of_numbers = reduce(lambda a, b: a * b, my_numbers)
# Create a list of unordered numbers
my_unordered_numbers = [2, 100, 99, 3, 7, 8, 13, 48, 88, 38]
# Sort the list of numbers
sorted_numbers = sorted(my_unordered_numbers)
# Sort the list of numbers in descending order
sorted_numbers_desc = sorted(my_unordered_numbers, reverse=True)
# Create a list of tuples modelling a football league (team name, total points, total goals scored, total goals conceded)
completed_football_league = [
('Manchester United', 75, 64, 35),
('Aston Villa', 56, 48, 44),
('Arsenal', 90, 73, 26),
('Newcastle United', 56, 52, 40),
('Liverpool', 60, 55, 37),
('Chelsea', 79, 67, 30)
# Create a function to create a compound sorting key
def sorting_key(item):
total_points = item[1]
goal_difference = item[2] - item[3]
return (total_points, goal_difference)
# Use this sorting function with the sorted() function to sort the football league by multiple keys i.e. total points and goal difference
sorted_football_league = sorted(completed_football_league, key=sorting_key, reverse=True)
# Use a lambda function within sorted() as the key function to perform the same task
sorted_football_league = sorted(completed_football_league, key=lambda item: (item[1], item[2] - item[3]), reverse=True)
# Use the reversed() function to return a reversed iterable object
my_reversed_numbers = list(reversed(my_numbers))
# Reverse a range of numbers
my_range = range(11, 21)
my_reversed_range = list(reversed(my_range))
# Reverse the characters in a string
my_string = 'abracadabra'
my_reversed_string = list(reversed(my_string))
import copy
# Create a deepcopy of the previous list of tuples representing a football league
completed_football_league_deep_copy_1 = copy.deepcopy(completed_football_league)
# Sort the previous list of tuples representing a football league using the list sort() method
completed_football_league_deep_copy_1.sort(reverse=True, key=sorting_key)
# Use a lambda function within the list sort() method as the key function to perform the same task
completed_football_league_deep_copy_2 = copy.deepcopy(completed_football_league)
completed_football_league_deep_copy_2.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda item: (item[1], item[2] - item[3]))