Knowledge Base

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Python Taster Course

Python Taster Course

A fun and interactive introduction to both the Python programming language and basic computing concepts using programmable robots.

Jillur Quddus
Jillur Quddus
Computational Mathematician
Introduction to Python

Introduction to Python

An introductory course to the Python 3 programming language, with a curriculum aligned to the Certified Associate in Python Programming (PCAP) examination syllabus (PCAP-31-02).

Jillur Quddus
Jillur Quddus
Computational Mathematician


Opinionated open-source content management system (CMS) and static site generator (SSG) that focuses on simplicity and easy content management.

Jillur Quddus
Jillur Quddus
Computational Mathematician
DDaT Ontology

DDaT Ontology

Automated parsing, and ontological & machine learning-powered semantic similarity modelling, of the Digital, Data and Technology (DDaT) profession capability framework website.

Jillur Quddus
Jillur Quddus
Computational Mathematician


Visualise, explore and semantically query connected data entities and relationships using ontologies and the free OntoSpark web application.

Jillur Quddus
Jillur Quddus
Computational Mathematician
Quantum Deep Learning

Quantum Deep Learning

Combining quantum computing with deep learning to reduce the time required to train a neural network, and by doing so introducing an entirely new framework for deep learning.

Jillur Quddus
Jillur Quddus
Computational Mathematician
Probabilistic Programming Languages

Probabilistic Programming Languages

Exploring the unification of general purpose programming with inference through probabilistic modelling.

Jillur Quddus
Jillur Quddus
Computational Mathematician
Real-Time Machine Learning

Real-Time Machine Learning

Build a machine learning pipeline using Apache Spark and Apache Kafka capable of performing sentiment analysis in real-time.

Jillur Quddus
Jillur Quddus
Computational Mathematician
Apache Kafka Producer with Avro Bijection

Apache Kafka Producer with Avro Bijection

Build a custom Kafka producer in Java using the Twitter Hosebird client and Apache Avro.

Jillur Quddus
Jillur Quddus
Computational Mathematician
Real-Time Data Pipeline

Real-Time Data Pipeline

Build a high-throughput, scalable, reliable and fault-tolerant data pipeline capable of fetching event-based data and streaming those events to Apache Spark.

Jillur Quddus
Jillur Quddus
Computational Mathematician
Joint Biosecurity Centre

Joint Biosecurity Centre

Modelling the transmission of COVID-19 and simulating the impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs).

Jillur Quddus
Jillur Quddus
Computational Mathematician
National Crime Agency

National Crime Agency

Building a library of cutting-edge artificial intelligence tools designed to identify and disrupt Dark Web-enabled cybercrime.

Jillur Quddus
Jillur Quddus
Computational Mathematician
National Highways

National Highways

Building a common data model (CDM) to improve the governance and management of critical national data assets.

Jillur Quddus
Jillur Quddus
Computational Mathematician
Machine Learning with Apache Spark

Machine Learning with Apache Spark

Introduction to machine learning, deep learning and distributed parallel computing with Apache Spark, written by our founder Jillur Quddus.

Jillur Quddus
Jillur Quddus
Computational Mathematician
Bias Amplification

Bias Amplification

Technology provides us with the toolkit to change lives for the better - but if unchecked it also has the power to discriminate and reinforce stereotypes and bias.

Jillur Quddus
Jillur Quddus
Computational Mathematician
Public Opportunities Bot

Public Opportunities Bot

Public Opportunities Bot (POB) is an open-source and easily extensible software project that fully-automates the collation, analysis and notification of procurement opportunities from public sector procurement frameworks in order to support business development.

Jillur Quddus
Jillur Quddus
Computational Mathematician
CentOS 7 Open Street Map Tile Server

CentOS 7 Open Street Map Tile Server

Build your own map server using Open Street Map data and PostGIS.

Jillur Quddus
Jillur Quddus
Computational Mathematician